16 April 2010


Siblings can be a blessing,
they can even be a gigantic pain
but they can be like the soft breeze
that cools the heat when it rains.

My elder sister is a whiz in all she does
She's clever as can one ever be
But she's a regular nutter
Who is as sweet as can be!
She's full of life & wisdom
and many crazy opinions too
You'll fall in love with her right away
Like many people usually do
She can be quite a strict disciplinarian
whenever the occasion arises
but she's more likely to stuff you
with loads of gourmet surprises!
She's a mother of 2 naughty boys
& I have a cool dude bro-in-law
who's family is part of our lives completely
We even resemble each other now :-D

My big brother is super talented
Everyone agrees he's really good
but when we were younger
we fought like kids in the hood
He's a father of two precious girls now
And he has a lovely wife
but i can't believe just yesterday
how we used to fight & strife
He's over-protective & also annoying sometimes
But this life wont be the same if he was otherwise!

Then the youngest one, our little sister
who's not so little anymore
She's everybody's sweetheart
And she has love to give galore
She's a lawyer by profession
She can really clinch a deal
But her heart is pure as a baby's
Her feelings are for real.
She can sometimes be overtly critical
& at times surprise you with candid words
She loves all cuddly things
but is amazingly afraid of birds!

We are all very different
yet we are remarkably the same
We love each other & fight like crazy too
Watching us together can be like watching chimps in the zoo!
